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What We Offer
Lyfe Members, get ready for an exciting lineup of events, workshops, and sessions! We have curated a diverse range of activities to help you learn, grow, and connect with like-minded individuals. Stay tuned for more details and mark calendars for an unforgettable experience.
We offer Coaching Sessions: One on One / Parent and Child/ Parent Sex Education and Relationship Building
- Date and time is TBDToni Touch Salon Conference CenterDate and time is TBDToni Touch Salon Conference Center, Parking lot, 2400 Augusta Dr, Houston, TX 77057, USA
- Mon, Jun 17Lyfe SELS OnlineJun 17, 2024, 5:30 PM CDTLyfe SELS Online
Tanya, TX
“My favorite session was the cooking session, honestly the new relationships I made have almost made me a lot more comfortable with myself and the topics about SAFE sex. I'm so happy I took this program because I have learned a lot about myself and how to keep my body in SAFE conditions!!!"
Allie, TX
"My favorite session from Lyfe is when we learned when it's the right time to give consent. in other words, letting our partners know what no means. another session I enjoyed is when you're intoxicated or when you're stoned you cannot give consent even if you say yes. for this reason, its considered rape because you're "not fully there". felt like that lesson was something important because it helps others and me as well know the difference between giving consent and saying no.I haven't had no intercourse but I'm glad I know the different because its good to be prepared when the time is right. and learning the basics of giving consent can prevent a lot of mistakes and misunderstandings in the future as well."
Rosy, TX
"I loved the program ! We get to be open with one another and comfortable to speak our minds out. My favorite session was definitely talking about relationships, because of that I've learned to have a healthier relationship with my current partner, I learned a lot of I guess you can say techniques to help in a relationship for example I struggle to communicate when I'm upset verbally in person however if my partner lets me write it down 1 can express myself better that way, and then then the relationship just flourishes from there. MY experience was awesome, im honored to have been part of the first group of Lyfe Sels and having that space was 100% needed."
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